The Mirror of
In ancient days there lived in a
remote part of Japan a man and
his wife, and they were blessed
with a little girl, who was the
pet and idol of her parents. On
one occasion the man was
called away on business in
distant Kyoto. Before he went he
told his daughter that if she
were good and dutiful to her
mother he would bring her back
a present she would prize very
highly. Then the good man took
his departure, mother and
daughter watching him go.
At last he returned to his home,
and after his wife and child had
taken off his large hat and
sandals he sat down upon the
white mats and opened a
bamboo basket, watching the
eager gaze of his little child. He
took out a wonderful doll and a
lacquer box of cakes and put
them into her outstretched
hands. Once more he dived into
his basket, and presented his
wife with a metal mirror. Its
convex surface shone brightly,
while upon its back there was a
design of pine trees and storks.
The good man's wife had never
seen a mirror before, and on
gazing into it she was under the
impression that another woman
looked out upon her as she gazed
with growing wonder. Her
husband explained the mystery
and bade her take great care of
the mirror.
Not long after this happy
homecoming and distribution of
presents the woman became
very ill. Just before she died she
called to her little daughter, and
said: "Dear child, when I am
dead take every care of your
father. You will miss me when I
have left you. But take this
mirror, and when you feel most
lonely look into it and you will
always see me." Having said
these words she passed away.
In due time the man married
again, and his wife was not at
all kind to her stepdaughter. But
the little one, remembering her
mother's words, would retire to
a corner and eagerly look into
the mirror, where it seemed to
her that she saw her dear
mother's face, not drawn in
pain as she had seen it on her
deathbed, but young and
One day this child's stepmother
chanced to see her crouching in
a corner over an object she
could not quite see, murmuring
to herself. This ignorant woman,
who detested the child and
believed that her stepdaughter
detested her in return, fancied
that this little one was
performing some strange
magical art--perhaps making an
image and sticking pins into it.
Full of these notions, the
stepmother went to her husband
and told him that his wicked
child was doing her best to kill
her by witchcraft.
When the master of the house
had listened to this
extraordinary recital he went
straight to his daughter's room.
He took her by surprise, and
immediately the girl saw him
she slipped the mirror into her
sleeve. For the first time her
doting father grew angry, and
he feared that there was, after
all, truth in what his wife had
told him, and he repeated her
tale forthwith.
When his daughter had heard
this unjust accusation she was
amazed at her father's words,
and she told him that she loved
him far too well ever to attempt
or wish to kill his wife, who she
knew was dear to him.
"What have you hidden in your
sleeve?" said her father, only
half convinced and still much
"The mirror you gave my
mother, and which she on her
deathbed gave to me. Every time
I look into its shining surface I
see the face of my dear mother,
young and beautiful. When my
heart aches--and oh! it has
ached so much lately--I take out
the mirror, and mother's face,
with sweet, kind smile, brings
me peace, and helps me to bear
hard words and cross looks."
Then the man understood and
loved his child the more for her
filial piety. Even the girl's
stepmother, when she knew
what had really taken place,
was ashamed and asked
forgiveness. And this child, who
believed she had seen her
mother's face in the mirror,
forgave, and trouble forever
departed from the home.
Minggu, 30 September 2012
Anak kos SMA
nah yang ini, kehidupan dimana gua ngerasa ga ada yg atur.
gua sempet jadi anak kos.
gua udah liat semuaaaaaanya!
dari yg porno. keras. kasar. susah. sedih. seneng. wah banyak deh.
pokoknya lu sma tinggal ngekos.
lu bakalan punya cerita banyak buat anak cucu lu nanti.
yah kita bahas anak kos deh.
emang, segelintir manusia di muka bumi ini.
memandang negativ anak kosan. apalagi kalau masih sma.
knapa? karna anak sma kan lg cari jatidirinya. pendirian masih pontang panting. ga ada yg atur. yah khawatir terjerumus ke hal hal negativ.
gua akuin, yg namanya kos di masa sma itu, negativ nya ngedeket mulu. tapi semua tergantung dari masing masing org.
lu boleh pulang malam. lu boleh bebas kmana aja. tapi lu tetep gaboleh terjangkit dengan obat2 terlarang. miras. dan seks!
kita jadi anak kos yg gaul sehat ajalah. jgn salah gaul.
gua pernah rasain pulang jam 4 pagi. gua pernah main sampe surabaya dan ortu gua gatau (jangan ditiru)
tapi gaul gua! sehat.
pacaran. nah buat anak kos cewe boleh aja pacaran.
tapi lu harus jadi yang megang stir dalam hubungan itu. dan jgn sampe b2an dikamar dalam keadaan kamar tertutup. usahain pacaran lu, pacaran positif ala anak kos gaul.
tugas. sebagai anak sma.
tugas itu udah makanan sehari hari.
kita ngekos, kita bebas, ga ada yg atur. tapi inget.
yang bisa atur semunya ya cuma diri lu aja.
tugas gabakal makan waktu banyak ko, kalo lu kerjainnya serius dan tepat waktu. biar ga numpuk langsung kerjain.
intinya utamain tugas drpd gaul.
sekolah. intinya baik2 aja di sekolah. dan jgn sering bolos. lu bakalan di liat negativ sama guru2.
coba gaul di skola. aktif di sekolah.
temen. sebagai anak kos yg banyak tmn. pasti stiap hari lu bakal banyak tamu deh.
yakinin diri lu, temen itu ga sementara. dia sama kaya keluarga lu. Dia bakal tetep jd temen lu, dulu sekarang dan selamanya.
Apalagi kalo lg kos, temen itu org terdeket deh.
Uang. Hahahaha intinya jangan boros. Yah kalo boros udah terlanjur, ngarang aja buat beli buku atau tugas ( jangan ditiru)
Hahaha pokoknya lu harus pinter manage uang lu aja. Oke.
that i want
ku slide show foto kita laptop. playlist musiknya sengaja aku ambil yg mellow.
ku ketik untaian demi untaian kalimat di tablet ku.
kulihat wajahmu di foto. serasa hidup.
aku mencintaimu aku mencintaimu. pecahlah airmataku. pecah lah isak tangisku.
terdengar suara ketukan pintu. lalu kubuka pintu itu. kulihat engkau di balik pintu. tersenyum tulus penuh rindu. kupeluk. hilang.
ada apa ini?
ternyata aku berhalusinasi. kupegang jidadku. cukup panas.
ku gunakan termometer, ternyata suhu 40 drjat ini yg membuatku berhalusinasi.
ku kembali ke meja belajar ku, ku lewati meja riasku. disana ku tempel fotomu. ku ambil. kulihat. kenapa takdir begitu kejam?
mungkin cuma km yg mau aku lihat saat ini.
mungkin cuma km yg aku butuhkan.
dulu, rencana indah yg kita buat bersama. sirna karna keadaan ini.
oke aku sanggup. aku berusaha bangkit! tp kenangan indah ini. memaksa masuk ke otakku. dan membuat sesak dada ini.
tuhan ini kah jalan mu?
Jumat, 28 September 2012
absolutely zero
You see how it was my fault. Of course it was mine.
I'm too hard at work. Have you ever heard of anything so absurd ever in your life.
I'm sorry for wasting your time.
Who am I to say this situation isn't great? It's my job to make the most of it
Of course I didn't know that it would happen to me. Not that easy.
Hey what's that you say? You're not blaming me for anything that's great
But I don't break that easy. Does it fade away?
So that's why I'm apologizing now for telling you I thought that we could make it
I just don't get enough to believe that we've both changed.
Who am I to say this situation isn't great? It's my time to make the most of it
How could I ever know that this would happen to me, not that easy, no
All along the fault is up for grabs why don't you have it
Well it's for sale go make your offer, I'll sell it for no less than what I bought it for
Pay no more than absolutely zero.
Well neither one of us deserves the blame because opportunities moved us away
And it's not an easy thing to learn to play a game that's made for two that's you and me
The rules remain a mystery. See it can be easy.
Who am I to say this situation isn't great? It's our time to make the most of it
How could we ever know that this would happen to me, not that easy, no
All along the fault is up for grabs and there you have it
Well it's for sale go make your offer, I'll sell it for no less than what I bought it for
Pay no more than absolutely zero.
i wish
01 JULI 2012
dia pindah ke semarang :(
dia terpaksa tinggal disana, karena kondisi yang wajibin dia tinggal disana.
gua ikut anter dia ke bandara. sepanjang perjalanan gua cuma bisa diem.
dia juga diem. gua gatau mau ngobrol apaan.
gua biasa selalu pergi sama dia.
siapa lagi kalo bukan dia. sekarang semua kosong.
dunia emang keras, satu persatu bakal ninggalin kita.
perlahan kita bakal dibuat untuk ngadepin semuanya sendiri.
gua sampe bandara, dia nuker tiket.
gua liat jam tangan. oke waktu 2 jam terakhir gua sama dia.
gua ajak dia makan. hening. lagi lagi semua diem.
gua tatap dia. gua liat lemah. gua peluk dia.
dia diem. dia org yang lemah.dia berusaha kuat untuk hari itu.
dia gamau buat gua tambah sedih.
habis semua waktu terakhir itu, gua antar dia ke penimbangan barang bawaan. ternyata gua gabole masuk. dia meluk gua, airmatanya pecah, lutut gua gemetar.
orang yang selama ini setiap hari sama gua, mulai bsok udah ga ada.
gua lepas pelukannya. kali ini gua mencoba untuk menenangkan diri.
gua tatap dia, gua lepas dia pergi.
gua pergi ke tempat tunggu atas, gua liat pesawat pesawat besar.
pesawat mana yang akan bawa dia ke semarang?
gua berharap dia selamat sampai sana.
dan gua jg berharap, salah satu pesawat di sana. bisa bawa dia ke jakarta lagi.
for my dearest friend
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- Siapa kau (1)
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- ayundayani rosadi
- Jawa Barat, Bogor, Indonesia
- hello, nama gua ayundayani rosadi. buat lebih akrab panggil aja gua yonde. gua sempet SD di SDN 15 pagi Tugu Utara. terus gua sempet SMP juga di SMPN 136 Jakarta Utara. gua juga sempet SMA nih, di SMAN 75 Jakarta Utara. sekarang gua mahasiswa Politeknik Negeri Jakarta, jurusan Teknik Grafika dan Penerbitan. Program Studi Jurnalistik. tepatnya dikelas Jurnalistik 1b. gua Announcer di @porosfm (polytechnic radio station) thank you \m/