Selasa, 18 Desember 2012

my self

My name is Ayundayani Rosadi. Name Rosadi was intialized by both of my parent. On 1st January 1994 was borned  by my lovely mom excatly in Jakarta, i am daughter of a family who very proud of me. My father name is Abdi Chaniago SE.MM and my mother name is Rosnely Rachman. I have 2 brothers and 3 sisters. My mother came from Surabaya and my father came from western Sumatra. Currently, our family have been living in bogor since 2008, in a house that is very comfortable and warm. My father has been working as a lecturer at Trisakti University and my mother has been being bussines woman. In my family, upholds the custom fields, namely education come first. Although both of my parents are working, but they are always here when we need them. In my family there is a family day, Sunday is a full day for my family. Before we moved to bogor, we lived in North Jakarta.
When  i was in elementary school, SDN Tugu Utara 15 pagi. I have one friend who up to now, will always be my best friend. She named Febri Ihda Nursyiami, she always makes me thrilled to be  better and more powerful than her. Ami was always called by myself as her nickname, ami currently studying at the University of Indonesia, faculty of computer science, information systems majors.
When i was in junior high school, SMPN 136 in Jakarta. Then i disappointed, because it was not the school which i want. But over time, i began to adapt and could excel in junior high. I began to recognize the nature of different friends, and began studying to be a teenager.
Junior high school had been graduated by my self in 2009. I’ve got the favourite highschool in North Jakarta. SMAN 75 Jakarta, when it was just me and one of my friends together we entered the high school. In high school, i could learn a lot of experience. I thought high school was the most beautiful place. Many new friends, while on the 2nd grade, i went to Bali with my whole generation friends. I thought the most memorable was in high school. While on the 2nd grade, i became a dormitory.
            I have another dearest best friend, her name is Lorencia Tirtasari. I think she is the one who pretty much who give me many lessons. When i was a dormitory girl, every Friday night, loren and i always accompany the SMAN 75 basketball team practiced at Monas. Loren and i was being as the manager of the basketball team. We usually came home very late at night, but from there that i could learn. Which was good to be used and which ones are bad to be discarded. Jakarta life at night, made me understand that we needed religion in our life.
Write is being as my hobby, i have a blog ( . my blog theme is
I have taken 3 words because it has meaning. I have been being a student at state polythecnic of jakarta, graphics desain and publishing department by majoring publishing, journalism courses.
I was trying to get a high GPA in every semester. When my fifth semesters later, i hope in my last semester i will fluence in the  final task.
I will have been graduated from the polythecnic of jakarta with high GPA and i will have got a good job in one of the mass media.
Being a journalist is capable of grasping the world. And always uphold the truth. Other than that i have another wish, become a child capable of happy parents, a wife and a great  mother, and became one of the hosts of heaven. Amen  (Ayundayani Rosadi)

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Foto saya
Jawa Barat, Bogor, Indonesia
hello, nama gua ayundayani rosadi. buat lebih akrab panggil aja gua yonde. gua sempet SD di SDN 15 pagi Tugu Utara. terus gua sempet SMP juga di SMPN 136 Jakarta Utara. gua juga sempet SMA nih, di SMAN 75 Jakarta Utara. sekarang gua mahasiswa Politeknik Negeri Jakarta, jurusan Teknik Grafika dan Penerbitan. Program Studi Jurnalistik. tepatnya dikelas Jurnalistik 1b. gua Announcer di @porosfm (polytechnic radio station) thank you \m/
